Focus on asbestos risk during renovations

Asbestos is found in many buildings in Switzerland. If this is released in an uncontrolled manner during renovation work, it can pose a health risk. The "Together against asbestos" initiative aims to prevent this by providing information and ultimately by ensuring that all those involved act responsibly.

An asbestos survey should be mandatory in older buildings before conversion and renovation work. (Image:

Buildings constructed before 1990 are likely to contain asbestos. This applies to three quarters of properties in Switzerland. This is because asbestos was used in a variety of ways until it was banned in 1990 and is still used in many houses today, sometimes even concealed. Due to the age of these buildings, they are increasingly in need of renovation. Climate policy also promotes energy-efficient building renovations. Repair work after a storm or planned renovations of older facilities can also lead to asbestos-containing material that was previously safely installed being worked on. This means that refurbishments are increasingly becoming the focus of asbestos prevention. 

Asbestos assessment is mandatory

An asbestos assessment is therefore mandatory prior to conversion and renovation work in older buildings. However, during unannounced spot checks of construction work on site, Suva found that in many cases these investigations had not been carried out. An investigation is necessary in order to know whether and where asbestos is present. Only then can the necessary protective measures be taken. If asbestos remains undetected, it can lead to an uncontrolled release of asbestos fibers and pose a health risk to tradespeople and DIY enthusiasts. Contamination of the premises can also expose tenants and homeowners to an asbestos risk. Even today, over 150 people die every year in Switzerland as a result of asbestos exposure. If asbestos is not recognized, this also leads to incorrect disposal of the building rubble.

Protection against asbestos starts with planning

Health hazards caused by asbestos can be avoided with the right planning. For this to succeed, all those involved in a renovation project have a responsibility. Through their actions and transparent communication, all those involved can help to ensure that materials containing asbestos are handled correctly. With the "Together against asbestos" initiative, the Forum Asbestos Switzerland FACH and its members as well as other partner organizations such as the Swiss Homeowners Association HEV Switzerland and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE want to raise awareness among the various stakeholders of the risk of asbestos exposure and encourage them to act correctly. The most important information on the topic and what to think about when renovating can be found at The site also lists contact addresses recommended by FACH for asbestos assessment and remediation by location (building pollutant diagnosticians, analytical laboratories, asbestos remediation companies).


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