Five reasons why quality management should elicit a "whoopee" from everyone

"QM manuals" and "QM systems" are not exactly the first thought on employees' minds when it comes to having fun at work. Johannes Woithon, CEO and founder of orgavision, a provider of an integrated management system for quality management, describes why this is so and what arguments can be used to get people excited about quality management in the article below.

"High five" or "whoopee": Quality management can definitely put you in a good mood at work. (Image: apid /

Have you ever heard someone shout "whoopee!" when the term "quality management" is mentioned? Probably not. That's mainly because far too little is said about the benefits of QM. Because done well, it is neither boring, nor does it result in any additional effort. On the contrary, it forms the basis for the high quality of a product or service, which in turn ensures that customers are satisfied and companies are economically successful.

What those who perceive QM as a necessary to annoying evil fail to realize: The larger a company, the more important the structures. Only if the entire workforce has a common understanding of quality requirements can these also be uniformly represented to customers.

Want more reasons why every company needs quality management? Here are the five most important ones:

1. the workforce knows what to do at all times

Regardless of whether you're an old hand or a newbie - quality management in the company ensures that processes are clearly comprehensible to everyone. How does the filing structure work? Which departments or people interact with customers? And how do I submit a vacation request? All of this is defined as part of a holistic quality management system, which improves internal and external communication structures.

2. QM increases satisfaction in the company

That's right, because if you know at all times what is expected of you and what quality standards you want to be measured against, you can act accordingly. The overarching buzzwords are transparency and traceability. If you know in which direction the goal lies and how far away it is, you can plan the way to get there, not feel overwhelmed, but be able to celebrate successes again and again in stages. And comparability within the workforce also makes quality management fair.

3. risks become calculable

Of course, the ideal situation is one in which a company's business is on a steep upward trajectory - and well thought-out quality management can play a significant role in this. After all, one of the core tasks of QM is to keep an eye on risks and their probability of occurrence. And if management is aware of its risks at all times, not only can appropriate countermeasures be taken at an early stage, but these can also be communicated openly and transparently to the workforce. The result: see point 2.

4. arbitrariness was yesterday

Quality management is based primarily on key figures, facts and standards - and that is precisely why it is so transparent for the entire organization. Conversely, this also means that with a holistically viewed QM, decisions are comprehensible to everyone at all times. Every process that contributes to the creation of value in the company can thus be evaluated fairly - provided that key figures and standards with sufficient significance are selected.

5. everything is easier digitally

What makes QM so dull for many, namely the recurring processes, is one of its greatest strengths. Because what is standardized and repetitive is relatively easy to digitize and automate. With a modern software solution, the requirements of quality management are even easier to implement without having to forego the advantages already mentioned. No matter whether QM manual, the distribution of information, audits or certifications: With the support of well thought-out software, no company now has to fear the introduction of quality management as an additional expense.

Conclusion: As you can see, there are a number of advantages that a well thought-out and implemented quality management system creates. Some of them should also convince critics. In the future, you may even hear them shouting "whoopee!

Johannes Woithon is the managing director of orgavision GmbH, based in Berlin.

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