First responders - one foot in prison already?
There are many legally relevant aspects to first aid: behavior at the scene of an accident, dealing with the media, administering medication and much more. It is unlikely that first aiders will end up in prison. But how is first aid actually organized in a prison? The First Aider Symposium 2025 on November 8, 2025 will address such questions.

Many first aiders are concerned about legal issues. There are fears that they could do something wrong and be prosecuted for it. But there are also doubts about what is allowed and what is not. And sometimes various myths come into play.
The fifth First Aider Symposium on November 8, 2025 at the KKL Luzern is dedicated to such legal aspects of first aid and aims to provide safety and orientation in these matters.
At the scene of the accident: what the police and public prosecutor's office want
Michael Muther is head of the Security Police South and will open this year's First Aider Symposium. He wants to explain to the participants how the police proceed at the scene of an accident and how they can provide the best possible support. "I know how important the work of first responders is," he says. "In my presentation, I will talk about how we think as police and how we can optimize cooperation with first responders."
He will also address what could be important for the taking of evidence, how conflicts between the preservation of evidence and first aid can be resolved and what first aiders should know when dealing with the police and public prosecutor's office at the scene of an accident.
Media: what journalists want
Also frequently at the scene of an accident: journalists. They also like to trample into a danger zone, stand in the way and provoke statements from first responders that they would be better off not making. So how do you deal with these darn media professionals?
Kay Schubert, a media trainer and long-standing journalist, addresses this issue. "Many first responders are annoyed by journalists on site who want to do a story," he says. "How do you react correctly if you are filmed without being asked or a journalist asks awkward questions? In my presentation, I teach the most important, practical do's and don'ts when dealing with media professionals."
Medication: what the Therapeutic Products Act wants
Should we or shouldn't we? Dispensing medication is a sensitive issue. It is also handled slightly differently from canton to canton, and the issue of medication vignettes can cause additional confusion. There are also companies that use competence regulations to obtain one or other range of medicines for their occupational health services. But how legal is this actually?
One person who knows is Rudolf Hauri. The cantonal doctor of the canton of Zug and former president of the Association of Cantonal Doctors wants to provide information in his presentation: "I will show the participants what they can do, what they are allowed to do and what they should do," he says.
First aid behind bars
Anyone who provides first aid is therefore unlikely to end up behind bars. And if they do, then at most as a first aider - because even in a prison you have to be prepared for emergencies. What is special about this, what scenarios are there, how does a prison organize its 'in-house paramedics' and what happens if the rescuer is called out?
ngsdienst has to be called to prison - and wants to get out again?
Marcel Ruf, Director of Lenzburg Prison, addresses this in his concluding speech. "We have walls, fences and closed doors," he says, "but we also have to be able to provide first aid within a reasonable time and bring emergency services into the prison."
New in the Luzernersaal - and with Donat Hofer as presenter
The First Aider Symposium 2025 once again promises a wealth of exciting content and appeals to all first aiders, whether beginners, advanced or professionals, whether Samaritans, company paramedics, safety officers, private individuals or blue light organizations. As usual, one hour is scheduled for each presentation, providing plenty of time for questions and discussions - and all presentations will be simultaneously translated into French.
The surroundings will be less familiar. Although the First Aiders Symposium will remain at the KKL Luzern, it is moving to the larger Luzernersaal after four successful sessions in the auditorium. And the participants will be accompanied through the day by a new head: Donat Hofer is moderating the First Aiders Symposium 2025. He is well known to many television viewers for his exciting and empathetic appearances on "Reporter" or "rec." and has also been on the radio for a while on "Focus" - and now on November 8, 2025 at the First Aiders Symposium. "We are delighted that we were able to inspire and win Donat for this task," says Stefan Kühnis, President of the Swiss Association for Occupational Paramedics (SVBS).
Training points and supporting program and added value
The joint event of the SVBS and IVF Hartmann took place for the first time in 2021 and quickly developed into a success story. The organizers also attach particular importance to the supporting program and other added values:
For example:
- After each presentation, there will be plenty of room and time to ask questions of the speakers.
- The breaks offer opportunities for discussions and networking, and around 25 exhibitors will also be presenting their products, courses and other services.
- All presentations will be simultaneously translated from German into French.
- 3.5 hours are credited towards the IVR certificate and 2 SGAS training points are awarded.
Registration options (registration deadline: 30.09.2025) and Further information