Event information: Future-Compliance.ch

The conference www.future-compliance.ch, taking place on May 25, will bring together leading practitioners from Switzerland and Liechtenstein to discuss the latest developments in the field of Adverse Media Monitoring, the search for negative information in the news.

(Picture: zVg)

Millions of articles are published worldwide every day. According to the business information service LexisNexis, over 200,000 texts are published in German alone. One of the greatest challenges for financial institutions is to recognize threats early on in this mass and avert damage. After all, anyone who does business with publicly known tax evaders, money launderers or even sanctioned individuals risks hefty fines and expensive reputational damage.

At the Future-Compliance.ch conference, participants will be presented with concrete practical examples of how financial institutions can protect themselves from problematic individuals and organizations with reasonable effort. The morning program will shed light on what the regulator requires of them and how banks can integrate Adverse Media into their KYC process (Know your customer). In addition, participants will get an insight into how five banks in Liechtenstein keep the effort for Adverse Media Screening under control despite millions of news articles per day.

In the afternoon, technically interested people will get the chance to look behind the scenes of artificial intelligence. It will be explained how ChatGPT & Co. work and how automatic text analysis and text production will facilitate and change everyday compliance. 

The event offers compliance officers and managers of banks an excellent opportunity to learn from experts and find out about the latest developments in this area. The event will take place both on-site in Zurich and online.

The most important in a nutshell

Log in:      www.future-compliance.ch

Date: May 25

Time: 09:00 - 16:15

Location: On site in Zurich or online


  • Michèle Hess, PwC: What does the regulator require of banks in Switzerland?
  • Stefan Lampert, Kaiser Partner: How do five banks in Liechtenstein manage the daily monitoring workload?
  • Veronika Schlegel, gwp: A problematic person or organization has been identified - what now?
  • Jeanne Le Garrec, Rosette & Peter De Bie, Rosette at Babel Street: fewer false positives with modern name matching.
  • Daniel Niklaus, Netlive IT AG: ChatGPT & Co. - A look into the lab and how artificial intelligence will simplify the work of the compliance department in the future.


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