ERP system plays important role in digitization

The so-called ERP system will play a key role in the future - and at the same time demonstrates that the software used in its current form is considered a weak point in many places. This is underlined by a survey conducted by godesys.

Cloud technology is one thing; being able to implement comprehensive application know-how is another. (Image: depositphotos)

The digital transformation and corresponding applications from the ERP system are gaining importance in the business strategy of most companies: More than two-thirds see it as important that digital processes and digital thinking become a matter of course within their organization. This is the result of a survey conducted by the Mainz-based software experts from godesys among the visitors of CEBIT 2018.

Four out of five respondents stated that the ERP system played an important role in the digitization of their company. This shows the enormous demand for EPR-based business software with a modern design. This includes, for example, mobile functionalities, far-reaching process automation and the connection to e-commerce. However, there is still a long way to go.

ERP system

Only 30 percent of the survey participants feel prepared for the digital transformation with their current ERP system. More than a third even said they were not satisfied with the user-friendliness of the system they were currently using.

The information about what is particularly important to the respondents in an ERP system indicates what the ideal software of tomorrow will look like. According to the survey, powerful interfaces to IT systems and data are of great interest. The rapid adaptability of the system, real-time processing of data as well as the aspect of transparency and traceability are also highly rated. This is the point where the survey participants see the greatest need to catch up.

The main criticisms are transparency and traceability

To find a solution, many are relying on outside expertise: 54 percent do not see themselves as being able to tackle the backlog of work needed to make them fit for the digital transformation on their own.

"Our survey of trade visitors at CEBIT 2018 illustrates the importance and topicality of the subject of ERP. Above all, a powerful business software should be flexible and adaptable to the needs of the user," explains Godelef Kühl, founder and CEO of godesys AG. "Digitalization sets the pace for companies in all industries to successfully align their business model with the market conditions of the future. Therefore, holistic IT expertise and integration-strong solutions that focus on usability as well as process excellence are required."

Further information about the flexible ERP solutions from godesys can be found at


(Source: CEBIT survey)


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