ERI and Swisscom launch an ITO and BPO offering

The partnership between ERI and Swisscom creates an outsourcing service offering for private banks and asset management institutions in Switzerland.

Swisscom Enterprise Customers now also offers support to private banks. (Image: zVg)

The new offer from Swisscom and ERI combines the OLYMPIC Banking System software package. This banking competence centre provides IT outsourcing (ITO), application management (AM) of OLYMPIC Banking System and other third-party systems as well as business process outsourcing (BPO).

The service offered by Swisscom within the framework of this partnership

n services cover the provision of hardware, hosting and operation of the central system as well as the satellite systems and ensure operational management. BPO services include the full outsourcing of payment transactions, securities processing, securities data management and document digitisation. Swisscom already provides these services for over 80 banks throughout Switzerland.

Financial institutions can select these services individually to tailor their business model to their specific needs.

ERI is always looking to evolve its application to meet the needs of its Swiss and international clientele, who want flexible, powerful and more cost-efficient business models. ERI is excited about this collaboration, which will provide banks and financial institutions with more flexibility in managing their IT platforms.


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