Ergonomic adjusting screws at the CAD workstation

How long a professional can concentrate and productively draw his plans, construct building models, visualize details or create tenders also depends on the well-equipped CAD workstation. Ergonomic optimization increases work efficiency and reduces absenteeism due to illness. But where exactly are the ergonomic levers to be found?

CAD workstation
© War

Back problems, headaches and neck tension just like strained eyes, wrist pain, mouse arm (RSI syndrome) and tendonitis are real stresses that can even become chronic. Current statistics show: More than 21 percent of sick days are due to orthopedic problems, especially back pain. If only two days of absence per year are saved through appropriate ergonomic measures, the purchase price for a height-adjustable table, for example, will already pay for itself in the first year. "Functionality and comfort, practicality and cost-effectiveness therefore go hand in hand," explains Simon Patrick Hausner, sales manager at Krieg, the workplace systems manufacturer. As a trained and IGR-certified ergonomics coach, he wants to convey the right thoughts around the topic of CAD workstations in companies. "We are always concerned with questioning both the requirements of the CAD workstation and the working methods. This is the only way to complete an ideal consultation and subsequently implement suitable measures."

User behaviour in the CAD working environment

Managers and entrepreneurs are also becoming increasingly open to ergonomic aspects: Software and programs used are regularly improved through updates, hardware is replaced at a certain interval. The CAD work environment must not fall by the wayside. "An ideal design helps to ensure that a planner is not glued to his workstation and just stares ahead. We want to sensitize employees to the issue so that everyone pays attention to their own user behavior. Then a lot is already gained," says Hausner. 

Instead of one-sided stresses, it is therefore important to consider the many positive influencing factors of ergonomic office workplaces. CAD designers who work more productively and with greater satisfaction, and who are healthy in the long term, offer the company true added value. Hausner: "Ideal and custom-fit CAD workstations are an investment and in many places still have to be purchased, but ultimately lead to the ideal win-win situation for everyone involved." Particularly in the course of digitalization and in times of paperless offices, an ergonomically designed CAD workstation plays a decisive role when it comes to ensuring health, performance and efficiency in daily work. 

These are the ergonomics adjusting screws

The best practice tips are:

  • Desk with larger work surface, dimensions at least 160 x 80 centimetres, ideally 200 x 100 centimetres minimum work surface
  • electrically height-adjustable desk (stand-sit-workstation), change of desk height from 65 to 120 centimetres
  • more freedom of movement and storage space
  • CPU holder, cable tray and cable outlet boxes create free space
  • ergonomically shaped mouse, possibly a second 3D input device 
  • integrate mobile hardware into the work environment using external keyboards, display holders and docking stations
  • Double screen holder, install LCD monitor on flexible swivel arm
  • ergonomic office chair, swivel and height adjustable, ideally adjustable in inclination, anatomically correctly shaped backrest for adequate support of the lumbar spine
  • optimum lighting conditions, adequate illuminance, dimmable ceiling and task luminaires, shading devices, balanced distribution of surface brightness, avoidance of daylight and artificial light reflections 
  • horizontal illuminance at VDU workstations of at least 500 (work area) or 300 lux (surroundings) is recommended
  • climatic comfort, ideally 20 to 22 degrees Celsius, in summer take into account the additional heat emitted by appliances
  • Minimize radiation emissions from older CRT and CRT monitors as well as electric and magnetic fields, pay attention to ozone emissions from laser or LED output devices due to printing technology.
  • Reduce background noise, place loud PC fans and whirring large-format printers in a separate room.
  • long time the same posture is poison for the body, two to four changes of posture per hour.
  • small hand and finger exercises in between, insert other activities, take breaks

 Source: Krieg GmbH & Co.KG

What actually is ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the science of the regularity of human work. The term is composed of the Greek words ergon (work, work) and nomos (law, rule). The central aim of ergonomics is to create suitable conditions for human work. The use of technical equipment and tools is also taken into account. In addition to the human-friendly design of the workspace and system, the improvement of the interface between the user (human) and the object (machine) is of particular importance.

The special value of the IGR certificate lies in its strict neutrality and independence, which is unique in Germany. Two focal points are trained by the IGR: on the one hand, the relationship ergonomics, i.e. the optimal adjustment of an office or production workplace; on the other hand, the behavioural ergonomics, i.e. advising and encouraging employees to adopt healthy behaviour.


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