Energy weeks show savings potential

The electricity works of the Canton of Zurich held Energy Weeks at Suva. The employees of Suva proved: The sensible use of energy is possible thanks to simple changes in behaviour - with considerable savings in electricity costs. The employees also benefited privately from the energy weeks.

Energy weeks show savings potential



Daily electricity savings of between 2.5 percent and 11.2 percent (average minus 6.5 percent) compared to the same period last year - this is the positive result of the energy weeks at Suva. In total, Suva's 3,200 or so employees saved 16,932 kWh of electricity during the Energy Weeks through conscious behaviour. Extrapolated, this means electricity cost savings of over 60,000 francs per year, if electricity is saved on the same scale.

Bottom-up: Idea from the workforce


At Suva, the question arose as to what the money from the CO2 refund should be used for. One member of the sustainability specialist group was already familiar with the EKZ energy weeks and was convinced by them. The specialist group applied to the management to hold these awareness-raising weeks. The management decided in principle that the money from the CO2 refund should be used for sustainable projects such as the Energy Weeks. The decision was not to invest primarily in compensation projects, but to focus on operational energy efficiency. At Suva, the Energy Weeks therefore came about through a bottom-up process.

Continuity is crucial


The Energy Weeks started with a short film produced especially for Suva. The film informed all employees in a professional and humorous way about the procedure and the goals of the Energy Weeks. In the film, the commitment of Suva's Chief Executive Officer, Ulrich Fricker, was particularly important. The heart of the Energy Weeks was the energy information, which was sent daily by e-mail to all employees. The advisors provided information on topics such as stand-by consumption, lighting, heating/ventilation and mobility. According to the energy advisory service at EKZ, it is important that information is provided continuously and through various channels. Suva also used various communication measures: an energy quiz pillar at all Suva sites encouraged employees to answer energy questions. The dossier for all employees provided information on various areas of energy efficiency. The energy cube at each workplace reminded employees of the desired changes in behaviour. The energy competition with a raffle motivated employees to find out more about energy. The daily communication of the measurement data created an identification and stimulated discussions among the employees. The loan of electricity measuring devices helped to localise electricity guzzlers. In addition, an EKZ energy consultant visited each of Suva's 21 sites and answered employees' questions at an information point. The wide-ranging information mix is having an impact: consumption values are improving steadily over the course of the energy weeks.

Private benefits for employees


Consumption curves are also influenced by external factors and are therefore not exclusively dependent on behaviour. The Energy Weeks were an incentive to rethink and change personal behaviour patterns. The aim is to achieve a conscious change in behaviour when dealing with energy. This not only has a positive effect on the energy balance and corporate culture, but also on private energy behaviour. The EKZ is also aiming for this side effect. Many of the tips can be applied one-to-one in the private sector. An energy guide is included in the employee file. The energy meter encourages employees to track down their energy guzzlers at home as well.

Logistical preparation is crucial


Only a well thought-out organization made the Energy Weeks at Suva, with its 21 locations and 3200 employees, a success. That is why the safety officers in the agencies were the internal contacts on site for this project. They were responsible for the organisation as well as the data collection in the agencies and daily transmission to the FCA. Good preparation is important. Among other things, it is essential to discuss in advance with the IT managers and caretakers which tips can be implemented and what needs to be taken into account. In order to manage the energy weeks logistically, they took place in three phases. Six to eight locations were involved in each phase, with the advantage that the EKZ energy consultants were able to devote sufficient time to exchanges with employees at the info points.

Professionals pay attention to image


In addition to reducing energy costs and emissions, the EKZ's energy consultants also see other benefits for companies in the Energy Weeks. Conscious use of energy also contributes a great deal to a positive corporate image. For professionals looking for a job, a company's sustainable behaviour is also increasingly a decision criterion. Further training opportunities for staff also play an important role. Christian Marfurt sees the Energy Weeks as internal company training, from which each individual can benefit personally.


Following the EKZ's Energy Weeks, Suva has implemented further energy efficiency measures at relatively little expense. Power strips with a switch-off button make it easier to switch off equipment quickly, and timers automatically disconnect printers from the power supply. The newly created sustainability department has initiated an energy controlling system. Suva expects this to lead to further significant savings.



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