Electronic patient dossier: Southeast Switzerland has been launched

Shortly before the end of the year, there is movement in the electronic patient dossier (EPD): the population in south-eastern Switzerland can now also open one. In Neuchâtel, progress is also being made, initially for people with diabetes.

Patient dossier
With the electronic patient dossier, all relevant health data can be viewed quickly and easily. Image source: www.mondossiersante.ch

On the national Digitaltag on 10 November, it was time to get serious, and the eSanita went with her electronic patient dossier "on the market". Since then, residents of the cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden and Ausserrhoden, Glarus, Graubünden and St. Gallen have been able to open a personal EPD. According to eSanita, interested persons can present themselves at one of the approximately 40 official opening offices in their region. Instructions on how the procedure works are available on the website of the provider. a step-by-step guide to the opening available.

Neuchâtel also with EPD

Recently, the canton of Neuchâtel also launched its EPD. The product there runs under the name "Mon Dossier Santé". The electronic patient dossier in Neuchâtel is based on the Post E-Health platform, writes the yellow giant. Implementation in the canton is taking place in stages. A first implementation phase concerns patients with diabetes. The expansion of "Mon Dossier Santé" to the entire population of Neuchâtel should take place in spring 2022, according to the statement.

Vaccination documents: EPD as a secure repository

The foundation myvaccinations.ch sent the vaccination data to its former users a few days ago. The electronic patient dossier is a suitable new and secure place to store this data, as E-Health Suissethe federal and cantonal competence and coordination office, writes. In the case of the digital medical record, the unique identification of persons and access are clearly regulated. E-Health Suisse therefore recommends that all vaccination documents received be stored in the EPD as soon as one is available in the region.

How do I store my vaccination documents in the EPD?


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Digital access to the medical record

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