E-patient dossier: progress is also being made in south-eastern Switzerland
The eSanita association has taken an important hurdle: As a provider of the electronic patient dossier (EPD) in southeastern Switzerland, it has successfully passed the accreditation procedure audited by the certification body KPMG AG and received the official EPD certificate.
The EPD supply region of the Stammgemeinschaft Südost comprises the five cantons of Graubünden, Glarus, St. Gallen, Appenzell Inner- and Ausserrhoden. For the population as well as patients, the voluntary and free opening of the EPD will be possible in 24 hospitals and clinics as well as selected post offices throughout the region, as the eSanita association recently announced.
At the same time, each person receives an EPD-certified personal electronic identity (eID) free of charge when opening the EPD, which is required by law for the secure use of the EPD.
In the eSanita coverage area, the population can apply to open an EPD at around 20 post offices. The broad EPD launch in the eSanita coverage region is planned gradually from the second quarter of 2021.
Baden is a pioneer
As early as mid-November 2020, the eHealth Aargau parent community was able to complete the certification of the electronic patient dossier. Accordingly, Switzerland's first ever EPD was opened in Baden Cantonal Hospital in Aargau just days later.
The people of Aargau are expected to have the option of opening their own EPD at the post office in the cantonal capital of Aarau from the beginning of 2021.
The examples show that the Swiss healthcare system is making progress with digitalisation. (rs)