DSGVO-compliant application process

How could a secure application process be implemented in times of GDPR? A new plugin from the Sync&Share provider TeamDrive makes it easy to use personal data in the application process.

The task of backing up data needs to be taken seriously, even in casual job interviews. (Image: Unsplash)

How could a secure application process be coordinated in times of DSGVO? The Sync&Share provider TeamDrive offers a secure digital mailbox for HR offices. In the future, this will allow digital applications to be managed and processed in a DSGVO-compliant manner. The applicant receives access to the digital storage file via URL. This way, he or she can upload the required application documents via "drag & drop" using a secure data connection via the web browser. This makes it easy for applicants to submit their personal documents simply and securely.

It's just as easy for HR consultants, who are required by law to send personal documents digitally and securely. This is made possible in TeamDrive by right-clicking on the document. With the selection via e-mail send the mail client opens and the attachment is added to the e-mail by a link. For Outlook users, there is alternatively a plugin. The attachment is detached and provided via a secure path. The file can then be downloaded via a link, which can also be password protected. Thus, no data is stored and transmitted unencrypted.

Take technical and organizational measures

Especially in the application process, almost countless personal data are processed, passed on and stored. However, in order to avoid the EU-DSGVO's severe fines, 'technical and organisational measures' must now be taken to ensure that data cannot be viewed, changed or deleted by unauthorised persons. "The burden of proof in terms of data protection always lies with the company. The digital mailbox and the Outlook plugin thus offer not only a safe but also a valuable aid in everyday life," says Detlef Schmuck, Managing Director of TeamDrive.

Human resources managers have to consider many things

Schmuck stresses that the task of securing data must always be taken seriously. "Applicants always have the option of reporting violations to the supervisory authority, for example if secure transmission was not ensured." Parallel to the TeamDrive plug-in, the software provider therefore advises to always check whether all prerequisites for secure storage of the data material are also in place beyond this.

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