Digital work instruction: Whitepaper shows smart possibilities

What may sound strange to knowledge workers in the "New Work" is an integral part of everyday work in industry: work instructions! A new whitepaper from the Connected Worker Platform Operations1 "Work Instruction 4.0" provides information about smart, digital, interactive and integrated ways of setting up work instructions in a new way. The individual work steps are no longer only presented in text form, but interactively, image- and video-based.

Digital work instructions noticeably facilitate the execution of processes in industry. (Image: Operations1)

Although the industry has long since identified the potential of digitization, many companies will still rely on paper-based process documentation in applications such as assembly, maintenance or quality inspection in 2022. However, analog documentation means immense effort in creating, providing, using and updating documents. But static digital documents in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or even ERP systems often have the opposite effect of what was intended: they only increase complexity and lead to a multitude of operational problems such as additional work, version chaos or a lack of transparency in workflows. A supposedly simple tool, the digital work instruction, can help maintain or increase the competitiveness of industrial companies. Only companies that are digitally clever in meeting current and future challenges will be able to survive the increasing shortage of skilled workers caused by the impending wave of retirements of the baby boomer generation, the accompanying battle for young talent, and the ever-growing complexity of operations.

Processes documented step by step and digitally

With the help of the Connected Worker Platform, the company supports Operations1 The "Arbeitsanweisung 4.0" (Work Instruction 4.0) helps industrial companies to master existing challenges: Thanks to media-based and multilingual step-by-step instructions, processes can be carried out securely. These are integrated end-to-end with the existing store floor IT and enable process-related knowledge to be stored in the cloud. To name just one of many results, training times for new employees or changed responsibilities can be shortened enormously. In addition, even inexperienced employees are given the chance to reliably carry out complex processes.

Documentation is so natively integrated into the processes that its effort can be reduced by 95% and work efficiency and satisfaction can be increased accordingly. "Work Instruction 4.0" builds a transparent and understandable bridge from the order to process execution to progress monitoring and incident management.

New Whitepaper "Work Instruction 4.0

Employees who carry out their work using Work Instruction 4.0 report enormous simplifications in process execution: Explanatory visual elements such as images with markings, videos and various other elements are integrated into the interactive instructions, making the former "reading material" much more catchy and easier to understand. In addition, Work Instruction 4.0 defines access rights and uses a simplified digital approval process to make the relevant documents available only to those employees who actually need the information.

The whitepaper "Work Instruction 4.0" with a lot of valuable information from Operations1 is available for free download at here. For example, Operations1 provides further information in its own podcast "Future-Proof Operations"hosted by Benjamin Brockmann, Co-Founder & CEO of Operations1. There, topics on trends, stories and people in digital manufacturing as well as the latest insights and solutions are discussed.

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