Digital Trust Label elects new expert committee

The Swiss Digital Initiative is laying the groundwork for the next version of the Digital Trust Label. Through an open application process, the organization has selected a new expert committee to take the Digital Trust Label to the next level. In addition, Swiss Digital Initiative partnered with SICPA to make the label tamper-proof.

A tamper-proof QR code will make the Digital Trust Label even more secure. (Symbol image;

The Swiss Digital Initiative launched the Digital Trust Label in January 2022 (we reported on it). The label shows the trustworthiness of a digital application such as a website or an app in simple and non-technical language. Digital applications are tested against 35 criteria in four dimensions: Security of the digital service, Privacy of the digital service, Reliability of the digital service, and Fair interaction with users, which includes notification of the use of automated decision-making processes. The set of criteria was created by the first Label Expert Committee (LEC), led by EPFL, and further developed based on feedback from several public consultations. The developed criteria serve as the basis for an independent review.

Further develop trustworthiness of the label

The mandate of the first Label Expert Committee ended with the finalization of the first version of the Digital Trust Label criteria catalog. As digital technologies are advancing rapidly, the continuous development of the label is a priority for SDI. The experts meet regularly, gather feedback throughout the year, and develop recommendations for possible adjustments to the label. Following an open application process with a number of high quality dossiers, new members have now been added to the expert committee. The new representatives come from civil society and consumer protection, the public sector and international organizations, academia and the private sector. They are experts with proven know-how and expertise in the four dimensions of the Digital Trust Label:

  • Marcel Blattner, Principal Data Scientist and Team Leader, ETH Swiss Data Science Center
  • Nikki Böhler, Director,
  • Sophia Ding, Managing Consultant, Head Trustworthy AI & Responsible Tech, AWK Group
  • Maximilian Groth, Co-Founder & CEO, Decentriq
  • Michael Kende, Senior Fellow and Visiting Lecturer at the Geneva Graduate Institute, and Senior Advisor at Analysys Mason.
  • Rodolphe Koller, Editor-in-Chief, ICTjournal
  • Diego Kuonen, CEO, Statoo Consulting & Professor of Data Science, GSEM, University of Geneva
  • Patrick Schaller, Senior Scientist System Security, ETHZ
  • Mitchell Scherr, CEO, Assured Cyber Protection
  • Manouchehr Shamsrizi, Co-Founder, Humboldt University's Cluster of Excellence and Co-Founder RetroBrain R&D
  • Martin Steiger, Partner Steiger Legal, Co-Founder Data Protection Partner 
  • Tuulia Timonen, Head PSC Service Excellence, Posti Group
  • Leila Toplic, Head Emerging Technologies Initiative, NetHope
  • Charlotte van Ooijen, Associate Director Digital Government and Data, The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal

 Digital Trust Label with tamper-proof QR marking

To further strengthen the credibility of the label and make it forgery-proof, SDI has also partnered with SICPA, a leading Swiss provider of secure authentication, identification and traceability solutions. SICPA's blockchain-based and cost-effective digital solution verifies the dynamic content of paper-based and digital documents by applying a tamper-proof QR mark. The Digital Trust Label will be tagged with a corresponding QR mark, making it instantly verifiable using common verification tools such as web and mobile apps starting in the third quarter of 2022.

Further information

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