Digital ethics gains strategic relevance

Digital ethics is now a key issue that companies need to address, and the trend is rising sharply. This is shown by the evaluation of the 2022 Digital Ethics Sentiment Barometer by the HWZ and the Centre for Digital Responsibility.

Cornelia Diethelm, head of the CAS Digital Ethics program at the HWZ. (Image: zVg)

The Digital Ethics Sentiment Barometer of the HWZ and the Centre for Digital Responsibility measures the digital responsibility of companies in Switzerland every year. This year's survey by Cornelia Diethelm, head of the CAS Digital Ethics at the HWZ, shows one thing: The topic of digital ethics has arrived in the consciousness of employees and managers and is considered to be relevant to the reputation of their own company.

Experience with ethically controversial projects

According to the survey, which was conducted from mid-November to the end of December 2021 and in which 225 people participated, a large majority of companies have experience with ethically controversial projects. This relates primarily to the handling of collected data, which enables data analyses and evaluations involving customer data (77%). Other experiences with controversial projects include datafication in the workplace (33%) and dealing with new technologies (32%).

Increasing awareness of digital ethics

Companies are not only sensitized to the responsible handling of data. The survey further shows that ethical issues have already been integrated into internal policies and processes in several companies: Every second person states that the data management (51%) as well as the data strategy (46%) contain corresponding specifications. An ethics policy often exists (38%) or is at least planned. In general, according to Cornelia Diethelm, head of the study: "Large companies have guidelines for data management and data strategy, and they have an ethics policy. Regardless of size, however, many companies are working on ethical guidelines, which our new survey has once again confirmed. "

Digital ethics is a matter for the boss

Fortunately, the survey shows that digital ethics is present at the executive level: management is one of the most important internal advocates. "Digital ethics is digital responsibility in action. For companies, it is a far-sighted investment in good customer relations," says Ralph Hutter, Head of Product Development and Research at HWZ IDB.

However, the central drivers of digital ethics in companies are people from data protection. Differences make it clear that within a company, goals are also pursued that contradict each other. "Consciously addressing digital ethics can help to systemically address internal conflicting goals. Business practices must be brought into line with ethical guidelines that reflect the company's values and are also perceived accordingly from the outside," emphasizes Cornelia Diethelm.

Customers want data security

The survey makes it clear that companies take the expectations of their customers seriously. Companies can position themselves as attractive employers if they take the issue of digital ethics seriously. Those who handle data responsibly are not only investing in good customer relationships. The company can also gain a competitive advantage by positioning itself as a trustworthy company, especially in the face of foreign competitors.

Source: HWZ

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