Cultiver l'esprit de solidarité

Le Service des ressources humaines (SRH) de la République et Canton du Jura a reçu la Reconnaissance pour l'excellence (R4E) 3 étoiles. Ce certificat indique une étape importante pour le SRH qui continuuera sa démarche sur le chemin de l'excellence selon le modèle EFQM. In addition, the team of assessors has highlighted a culture of trust within the organisation.

Cultiver l'esprit de solidarité

Le Service des ressources humaines (SRH) est en charge des affaires du personnel. It implements the personnel policy of the State as defined by the Government of the Jura. He assures a follow-up and advises the collaborators of the public function. After the commitment to excellence (C2E) in 2016, the cantonal service has continued on its path towards improvement and has had some success. Comment l'approche EFQM peut-il ajouter de la valeur ajoutée au travail d'un service cantonal ? Lors de la remise du certificat EFQM, Siegfried Schmidt, respon- sable Business Excellence auprès de la SAQ, interviewé Mme Marina Markovic, cheffe de service ad intérim, M. Froidevaux, chef du projet EFQM pour le SRH et les assesseurs. Mme Nathalie Barthoulot, Ministre du Département de l'intérieur en charge du SRH, était aussi présente à la remise du certificat.


La gestion des ressources humaines comprend notamment les domaines su- ivants : human resources policy, management of the efficiency, recruitment, management and development of competences, training, remuneration and working conditions, transversal processes (equality between men and women, training of apprentices and trainees, health and safety at work, etc.).). Le Service des ressources humaines gère également la procédure de demande de per- sonnel et la mise au concours des emplois publics.


Madame Markovic, my congratulations to all the team for this success. What are the reasons that led your company to choose the EFQM model?
Marina Markovic The main objectives we set ourselves in this Excellence process were to create sustainable competencies and to improve our long-term services. The non-prescriptive work framework, the dynamism of the Excellence Model and the adaptability to any service company are the main reasons that led us to choose the EFQM model. In addition, the concrete improvements that can lead to rapid results and the lessons that can be learned from them are elements that really convinced us!


Quels bénéfices avez-vous pu constater pour votre entreprise ?
Marina Markovic : The benefits have been numerous. The project to continue improvement has been successful: the entire team has been trained and has actively participated in the development of this project. After having identified several areas for improvement, the various EFQM researches allowed us to hierarchically analyse the results, to prioritise the areas for improvement and to concentrate our resources on measures that are well targeted in order to achieve tangible results. Moreover, the importance attached to results favours a factual approach to decision-making that allows the different choices made by the organisation to be justified with relevance.


Mr Froidevaux, a road made up of several small steps to success. What obstacles did you encounter during the launch of the Excellence approach?
Edwin Froideveaux In our field of activity, one of the obstacles we encountered was finding enough relevant points of comparison. We are aware that it is useful to compare our performance with that of similar organisations in order to understand the forces and identify the opportunities for improvement, but each cantonal administration has its own methods of calculation and the performance indicators are rarely communicated externally. L'une des conséquences du manque de benchmark est la difficulté de.


"Les bénéfices ont été nombreux."


fixer des cibles pertinentes. In fact, in the majority of cases, we have fixed our cibles on the basis of our historical results, or it would have been interesting to define them according to the results of other organisations.


Quels sont les facteurs de succès ?
Edwin Froideveaux : The biggest factor for success is probably the commitment of the team. Pour ce faire, il est indispensable d'avoir l'implication de la direction en premier lieu. The fact that each person can then make a contribution to the effort allows us to support the change and make the improvement continue an omnipresent activity on a daily basis. Nous pensons aussi qu'il est important d'assigner la responsabilité du projet d'amélioration à une collaborateur/-trice en particulier. Not only because it is crucial to communicate regularly on the progress of the work, but also to accompany the teams in the various procedures related to the areas of improvement.


Quels conseils pourriez-vous donner ? Edwin Froideveaux Cultivez l'esprit de soli- darité au sein de votre équipe, et surtout, lancez-vous !


Mr Kieffer, as an EFQM assessor, you have evaluated many organisations. According to you, what factor could be a key success factor for the implementation of the EFQM model in a cantonal service?
Thierry Kieffer The notion of excellence stems first and foremost from a strong ambition on the part of an organization, regardless of its size or its activities, to satisfy all of its employees in the long term and to improve their performance. The implementation of the EFQM model, based on confirmed practices of excellence, enables this ambition to be achieved. Le Service des ressources hu- maines (SRH) de la République et Canton du Jura est engagé avec succès dans une démar- che d'amélioration continue et de Business Excellence en utilisant le modèle EFQM. In addition to the practiced methods, which represent an example for the entire ser- vices, the


"Le SRH a réussi à créer une culture de confiance."


vices with whom it works, the SRH has succeeded in creating a culture of trust and mutual assistance that constitutes, without doubt, one of the pépites of the organisation. This culture was also evident to the assessors during the interviews, which greatly facilitated their work.


Mesdames et Messieurs, je vous remercie et je vous souhaite beaucoup de succès sur votre chemin de l'Excellence.

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