CSEM receives "Prix Hermès de l'innovation

This year's "Prix Hermès de l'innovation" goes to CSEM. For over 30 years, CSEM SA, based in Neuchâtel, has been working in the service of industry. Its technological excellence will be rewarded in 2016 with a "Hermès de l'innovation". This prize is awarded every year by the "Club de Paris des Directeurs de l'innovation" and the "European Institute for Creative Strategies and Innovation".

The harmonious coexistence of people and technology is at the heart of CSEM's aspirations. (left to right) Mario El-Khoury, CEO of CSEM, in conversation with Ismael Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, at the CSEM Business Day. (Image: zVg).

For the tenth time, the "Prix Hermès de l'innovation" has been awarded to a company or organisation that represents the best state of the art. CSEM SA from Neuchâtel is a testament to technological progress and interdisciplinary excellence. The CSEM forms the bridge between research and industry and works as an innovation accelerator.

CSEM, the accelerator

The CSEM supports over 400 projects each year. Over 450 highly qualified employees work for the CSEM in Neuchâtel, as well as in Alpnach (Central Switzerland), Muttenz (Basellandschaft), Landquart (Grisons) and Zurich. They support companies, including SMEs without their own R&D resources, by providing technologies for the development of new products and processes.

The "Club de Paris des Directeurs de l'innovation" and the "European Institute for Creative Strategies and Innovation" is convinced that CSEM incorporates their excellent know-how into products and services, thus contributing to greater satisfaction for people and society. In this way, CSEM secures a place among the most prestigious research institutions, which also include, for example, the Fraunhofer Institute or the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN.

Companies such as Novartis and Actelion have also been honored in past years with the "Prix Hermès de l'innovation" for their humanistic programs and development projects.


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