Corporate culture, an important competitive factor

What is meant by corporate culture today? Today, elements such as a committed corporate social responsibility, value-oriented work and networking between employees and managers are important. This was the result of this year's certification process by the Top Employers Institute.

During the Certification Dinner in Düsseldorf, special companies were presented with a certificate as "Top Employers 2018". (Image: Top Employers Institute)

The certification process in consideration of the corporate culture results: Companies are increasingly investing in their CSR commitment and value-oriented actions. Compared to previous years, companies were able to make the greatest progress in the area of corporate culture. In 2016, the "Top Employers" had fulfilled 74.4 percent of the requirements for corporate culture - now it is already 78.8 percent.

Nevertheless, companies still need to invest further in this area. This is evidenced by a look at the area of personnel planning alone - here, the top employers already meet 92.7 percent of the requirements.

Top Employers Institute, the independent institute, examined more than 200 leading German companies in recent months with regard to their human resources management and strategy. They met the institute's high standards for human resources work. The areas examined included management development, compensation & benefits, onboarding and personnel planning.

179 German, Austrian and Swiss companies honored as "Top Employers 2018

"It is becoming increasingly apparent that management sees a sustainably lived corporate culture as an important component for economic success," says Steffen Neefe, Country Manager DACH of the Top Employers Institute. "Because they know that not only customers and service providers, but also employees prefer those companies that live a culture that is equally professional, constructive and performance-oriented as well as friendly and cooperative."

CSR projects are a welcome lever here, and more and more companies are investing in corresponding measures and initiatives. HR managers are also increasingly focusing on internal networking. "Digitalization opens up a range of possibilities here," explains Neefe. "Whether customer project-related or for a purely internal company task, networking platforms ensure a more intensive dialogue between employees and a more targeted and faster project completion."

The Top Employers Institute certifies over 1300 companies worldwide, which together employ more than five million people in 113 countries.


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