Comparis publishes new customer satisfaction scores

Consumers have again determined the best insurance and mortgage providers in 2020 and awarded their Comparis marks. This year, customers are most satisfied with the six health insurance companies Helsana, KPT, ÖKK, Progrès, Sanitas and Swica as well as the car and household insurance companies Mobiliar and Vaudoise. The best rated mortgage provider is the Raiffeisen Banking Group.

Every year, Comparis shows an overview of customer satisfaction in the categories of basic health insurance, car insurance, household insurance, liability insurance and mortgages. (Image: Unsplash)

Who gets the best marks? Once a year, the online comparison service examines the satisfaction of the Swiss with their health insurance, car insurance, household and private liability insurance as well as their mortgage provider. For this purpose, Comparis carries out a representative survey and determines customer satisfaction in different dimensions. This results in the Comparis rating.

Health insurance companies: Gold for Helsana, KPT, ÖKK, Progrès, Sanitas and Swica

In 2020, six health insurers received the highest rating of 5.4 for their mandatory basic insurance, namely Swica (as in the previous year), KPT and the Helsana subsidiary Progrès (5.3 each in the previous year) as well as Helsana, ÖKK and Sanitas (5.2 each in the previous year) . The highest score thus remained the same as in 2019. 

With a score of 5.3, five insurers are in second place this year. These are: EGK (previous year 5.4), Visana and Arcosana (both previous year 5.2), CSS (previous year 5.1) and Intras (previous year 5). In 2020, the four insurers Atupri, Concordia and Sympany (all 5.2 in the previous year) and Avenir (5.1 in the previous year) ranked third with a rating of 5.2. A total of 19 health insurers were assessed with scores between 4.7 (Assura) and 5.4. 

Car insurance: Mobiliar and Vaudoise lead the way

This year, long-time leader Mobiliar (2019: also 5.5) tops the customer satisfaction rankings for car insurers together with Vaudoise (2019: 5.4). In second place with a rating of 5.4 are the five insurers (2019: also 5.4), Axa and TCS (2019: both 5.3), Elvia (2019: 5.2) and Dextra (not rated last year). The bronze medal with a rating of 5.3 goes to Helvetia (2019: 5.4), Allianz Suisse and Zurich (2019: both 5.3). 12 vehicle insurers were assessed with scores ranging from 5.1 to 5.5.

Mobiliar and Vaudoise also top household contents and personal liability insurance 

Mobiliar and Vaudoise are also the winners in household contents and personal liability insurance, with an overall score of 5.4 each (previous year: Mobiliar 5.4, Vaudoise 5.2). 

 The three insurers (2019: 5.4), Axa (2019: 5.3) and Visana (not rated in the previous year) were rated 5.3. Third place with a score of 5.2 was shared by the five providers Allianz Suisse, Helvetia and Basler (2019: all 5.3), Zurich (2019: 5.2) and CSS (2019: 5.1). Eleven household insurers were evaluated with scores between 5.1 and 5.4.

Mortgage providers: Raiffeisen customers are the most satisfied

Customer satisfaction with mortgage providers was also surveyed. With a score of 5.5, the Raiffeisen Banking Group (previous year 5.3) knocked last year's winner Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank off the podium.

In second place with an overall score of 5.4 are the four providers Thurgauer Kantonalbank, Berner Kantonalbank, St. Galler Kantonalbank and Axa. All of them were already given the same grade in the previous year. 

With a score of 5.3, bronze is shared by Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (2019: 5.5), Migros Bank and Luzerner Kantonalbank (2019: both 5.3), Bank Cler and Zürcher Kantonalbank (2019: both 5.2), UBS and Postfinance (2019: both 5.1) and Swiss Life (not rated in the previous year). A total of 15 mortgage providers were assessed with scores between 5.1 and 5.5.



Once a year, carries out a survey on the satisfaction of customers with their insurance providers in the categories basic health insurance, car insurance, household and liability insurance as well as mortgages. The survey is conducted jointly with Intervista. In June 2020, 3,536 people from German-speaking Switzerland, French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino were surveyed online by the survey institute Intervista, who gave a total of 8013 ratings for insurance providers (one person could rate providers in each category). assigns the grades according to the Swiss school system. 6 is the best grade, 1 the worst.

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