BVS Zurich focuses on Asset & Risk Management

BVS Zurich is strengthening its expertise in the area of risk-oriented overall assessment. Since May 2017, the previous specialist areas of risk management and investment management have been combined in the new "Asset & Risk Management" department.

Risk-oriented supervision means maintaining an overall view of financial, structural and actuarial relationships. (Image: Depositphotos_lightpoet)

BVS Zurich is strengthening its competencies in the area of risk-oriented overall assessment. In this way, BVS Zurich is meeting the increasingly complex challenges in occupational pension provision and in traditional foundations. In this context, risk-oriented supervisory activities require a comprehensive overall view of financial, structural, investment-related and actuarial interrelationships.

Asset & Risk Management Department

The new Asset & Risk Management department is headed by Marek Ondraschek. Werner Koradi, as head of the previous Risk Management department, is taking his well-deserved retirement on 30 April 2017 in recognition of his great services. Since 1 October 2013, Werner Koradi has played a key role in shaping the further development of BVS Zurich into a risk-oriented supervisory body and has been a renowned specialist speaker.

Othmar Simeon, currently CEO of Swisscanto Vorsorge AG, will join BVS Zurich as of 1 January 2018 and take over Werner Koradi's area of responsibility as part of the new specialist department. Othmar Simeon is a federally certified pension insurance expert and has more than 30 years of experience in employee benefits. The new organisational structure can be found in the organisational chart.


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