Business interruption and other safety issues

The 2022 Safety Congress will be held in parallel with Swissbau (18 to 21 January) in Basel: Topics such as business interruptions or occupational health and safety will be addressed.


Security congress, security congress
© Depositphotos, alebloshka

At the planned safety congress, which will be held as part of the Swissbau trade fair, risk management topics such as business interruption, occupational safety and health protection will also be addressed. The speakers will present practical approaches to solutions.

Selected modules at the Security Congress

Module 1, 1/18/2022, Morning: The concept of security is subject to permanent change over time. Using the example of organized Crime in cyberspace André Duvillard, delegate of the Confederation and the cantons of the Swiss Security Network, will get to the bottom of this issue in his opening speech.

Module 2, 1/18/2022, Afternoon: The module is dedicated to Occupational health and safety with appropriate measures during planning, construction, assembly and maintenance work. How safety aspects are already taken into account in the planning stage is presented in unembellished form using the concrete example of the new ARA Upper Engadine construction project. How can physical complaints or falls be detected and prevented at an early stage thanks to new planning methods and digital building models? A BIM manager from Suva shows possible solutions. In order to ensure safety from strategic planning to management in all phases, various challenges must be mastered. This also applies to maintenance and operational upkeep. These problems will be addressed in two presentations. And what if something goes wrong and an accident occurs? What steps are required for rapid intervention? Two professionals from the Basel-Stadt rescue and ambulance services will provide insights and round off the half-day module.

Module 6, Jan. 20, 2022, Afternoon: Service interruptions successfully! Being prepared for (unlikely) events undoubtedly helps. Those who know the risks to their company are better able to protect themselves against events and the resulting potential disruptions, losses and business interruptions. The top risks currently include Pandemics, cyber incidents and blackouts. This congress module is dedicated to these three risks. Bettina Zimmermann, an experienced crisis manager, will be on the podium. In addition, Michael Schneider, Lorenz Cairoli and Helmut Capol are further specialists and greats in their field on the stage. The former is Associate Director IT & Security at IWC Schaffhausen, the latter is Chief of Staff in the crisis team at Primeo Energie and the third is Head of Infrastructure at the St.Galler Kantonalbank.

All further modules of the Security Congress can be seen here.

Swissbau at a glance:


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