Book tip: Practical Handbook Legal Operations Management

Standard work for the efficient management of legal matters in companies and public authorities published.

The practical handbook Legal OperationsManagement (Springer Verlag; EUR 79.99 / CHF 82.50) is currently being published in bookstores; more than 40 experts from universities, public administration and the private sector from Germany, Austria and Switzerland have contributed to it. The new standard work deals with the structure, management and organization of legal structures in companies and public authorities.

The estimated legal costs in German-speaking countries are estimated at over 200 billion euros annually. Well-managed legal departments in companies and public authorities therefore have a major influence on operational and public efficiency. For a sustainable further development of legal departments, the two co-editors Roman P. Falta and Christian Dueblin present an 831-page standard work. Well-known personalities such as Prof. Dr. Heinz Riesenhuber (former Federal Minister of Research), Alfred N. Schindler (Schindler Holding), Prof. Dr. Heinrich Koller (Director of Justice in Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Rolf Dubs (former Rector of the University of St. Gallen HSG), as well as numerous other top managers and general counsels of well-known companies from Switzerland, Germany and Austria have contributed to this book. They all share their personal experiences in managing law and legal functions; insights that are extremely rare to obtain in this form.

The publisher (Springer-Verlag) positions the Legal Operations Management Practice Handbook as a source of inspiration for the establishment, operation and optimization of professional legal structures. For general counsels, heads of legal services and lawyers in companies and public authorities, the new practical handbook is an important source of information and inspiration with contributions on all interface functions associated with legal operations.

In 55 chapters, the authors deal with key topics such as identity, positioning, leadership, structures, resources and processes of legal operations in a practical manner and address current challenges. The practical handbook Legal Operations Management thus provides a basis for the efficient management of legal affairs in companies and public authorities.

R.P. Falta, C. Dueblin (Eds.): Legal Operations Management Practice Manual. 1st ed. 2017, XXV, 831 p. 80 illus, 52 illus in color. Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-662-50506-9.


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