In the age of big data, quality depends on the reliability of data.

The 13th Forum on Excellence and Performance (FOREP) brought together 260 quality management professionals in Yverdon on 2 November. Conferences, workshops, exchanges with the exhibitors and between the participants: these are just some of the occasions to enrich a culture of continuous improvement.

In the age of big data, quality depends on the reliability of data.



"Management qualité : exigence ou efficience ?The theme of FOREP 2017, organised by the French sections of the SAQ, allowed us to become aware of the importance of data - and their good management - in quality management processes.


Cette 13e édition s'est tenue à La Marive à Yverdon-les-Bains. The new format - lectures in the main hall with the possibility for the public to ask questions in continuity via a dedicated application, workshops on specific topics in separate committees, a zone reserved for the 14 professional exhibitors - has been well received by both the faithful and the newcomers.

Data: a resource for improving quality


Tous secteurs confondus, la rapidité de l'évolution technologique im-pose une attention constante aux données à disposition de l'entreprise. Des données qui, bien analysées, orientent la décision straté-gique. A number of interventions have illustrated this point.


Pierre Maudet - Conseiller d'État genevois en charge de la sécurité et de l'économie - presented his role in government as a support for innovation. Y compris dans son dicastère : à l'exemple de l'informatisation récente, grâce à la technique de la blockchain, de certains ser-vices du Registre du commerce destinés aux entrepreneurs. Paolo Barra-chini, chargé de cours HES SO et l'EPFL, mis l'accent sur l'analyse des parties intéressées (PI) : être attentif aux signaux émis par les clients, four-nisseurs, shareholders, autorités publiques ou médias permet d'évaluer les risques et facteurs de succès inherent aux PI. Bernard Murry, President of the Lean Six Sigma University, explained the way in which companies implement their quality management processes, pointing out that the improvement of products and services is also achieved through a culture of "disregarding fear". Une attention apportée à l'humain également mise en exergue par Myriam Bertrand, fondatrice de ligne de Myr et consultante en amélioration de la qualité. In order to avoid the "suffocation" of the collaborators when initiating a continuous improvement process, it is advisable to remain attentive to the alignment of the missions, but also of the values, the tools, with the objectives, without forgetting the indispensable feedback from the hierarchy. Damien Chardaire, responsible for quality and reliability at Sonceboz, described the successful transformation of a mechanical engineering company into an automotive electronics company, delivering very reliable products thanks to a permanent analysis of the signs of poor quality. Spécialiste de la métrologie, Jean-Michel Pou, fondateur de Deltamu, n'a pas hésité à reppeler que chaque mesure n'étant qu' " à peu près juste ", " Toute décision comporte un risque qu'il faut évaluer à l'aide de la smart metrology." Nathalie Wardé, quality consultant in the pharmaceutical-ceutical sector, pointed out that this industry prepares " for the traceability of each medicine box " to combat falsification. This is a major challenge that requires companies to "organise real control over all their data". Two experts from the Maison Cartier Horlo-gerie - Fabrice Jeanningros and Abraham Camara - presented the analysis of the data put in place in their company to anticipate the pro blèmes de qualité. An analysis that assumes a very strong synergy between man and machine, notably by associating the specialist trades with this process from the outset.


Purchases are still often seen in companies as simple cost killers. However, as Katia Gutknecht, founder of KGC Consulting, a specialist in optimising purchasing, pointed out, the long-term purchasing process contributes to the development of an efficient corporate strategy.

Approfondissement dans les ateliers
Quatre ateliers ont permis aux participants de travailler en groupes restreints sur les thématiques suivantes :" Passer à un SMQ (Système de Management Qualité) utile et utilisé pour une PME ", avec Nicholas Guignet, Directeur chez Techniserv SA, " Analyse de la chaîne de valeur par la pratique ", avec Sonia Cordeal de l'ARIAQ, " 10 clés pour un lea-dership efficient ", avec Clément Cohen, CEO de Performant Group, et Annika Mansson, fondatrice de Happy@work, " Mode d'emploi pour déterminer la capabilité d'un procédé " par Raymond Riess, professeur en Lean manufacturing. A round table - animée par Geneviève Mo-rand, créatrice de Rezonance - a clôturé cette édition sur les perspec-tives d'évolution de la qualité dans l'industrie 4.0.


At the time of this edition, Raphaël Dubey, President, active on the Committee for 7 years, handed over the reins to Dominique Thierry, who, together with the other members of the Committee, is already preparing for the next edition.
tion du 8 novembre 2018.


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