Issue 9/2017

Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität" in issue 9/2017 as a PDF download with the following table of contents:


  • Innovation leads EDM into the Industry 4.0 era

Industry focus

  • IT, ICT or ICHT?
  • "The enablers of digitalization"
  • ERP system with consistency
  • Deliver mail and produce beautiful pictures

business excellence

  • International validity of certificates
  • Recognize and manage conflict potential in projects

SAQ/SAQ-Qualicon ag

  • Association news

business excellence

  • Où chercher les compétences clés?

manage risks

  • Synergies in risk management
  • "Every year, a factory building is evacuated. For training purposes."
  • Dangerous goods in air freight
  • Optimized mobility through smartphones

ensure quality

  • Elegant quality management
Category: Single issues

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