Ruag International cuts up to 90 jobs in Emmen
The Aerostructures business unit of today's Ruag International is to concentrate on rather small-scale production and surface treatment at the Emmen site. The workforce is to be reduced from 290 to 200 jobs. This is also a consequence of the end of the A380 programme.
Today's federally owned RUAG International wants to create a new, privatized aerospace group from its RUAG Space and RUAG Aerostructures business units. This should be profitable by 2021 at the latest. To this end, RUAG International is now also adapting the structures at its three sites in Emmen, Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich and Eger in Hungary.
Aircraft structure construction at the Emmen site is expected to develop according to a Communication in future on the "areas of composites and bonding processes, sub-assembly of military products in small quantities, and surface treatment". Labour-intensive activities will either be handed over to partners in Emmen, bought in or outsourced to the other two sites.
"Natural departures"
The number of jobs at RUAG Aerostructures is to be reduced from 290 to 200. The reduction is to be achieved as far as possible through natural attrition or job changes. A social plan is also planned.
The reduction is also necessary due to the discontinuation of the A380 programme by Airbus. RUAG Aerostructures, however, remains a "first-class supplier" for Airbus, Boeing, Pilate and Saab.
Eger site to be expanded
The Eger site will be expanded. It is to be certified by the aviation authorities as an independent production facility.
Other RUAG International business units in Emmen are not affected by the reduction.