Newly founded: ZHAW Digital Health Lab
The ZHAW is convinced that a Digital Health Lab offers immense potential to promote the well-being of every individual in the population. Digital Health focuses on the individual and aims to make healthcare more precise, personalized and preventive.
With the Digital Health Lab, the ZHAW is facing up to the challenges of digitalisation in the healthcare sector and developing solutions to create innovations. Thanks to its broad base within the ZHAW, the Lab combines the expertise of specialised research groups in technology, the healthcare sector and business. This provides a unique breeding ground for digital health solutions throughout Switzerland.
The vision
"The ZHAW Digital Health Lab creates practical, people-centred innovations for the healthcare sector. We improve healthcare and drive technology transfer between science, business and society."
The mission
"As a competence network, we work together with our partners to develop solutions to current challenges in the healthcare sector. In doing so, we exploit the potential of our interdisciplinarity. We focus on results-oriented cooperation with our network and are valued as a competent partner."
Digitalization in the healthcare sector offers immense potential to improve the well-being and care of every individual. This development towards patient-centered care requires completely new approaches in the healthcare system. Digital health offers solutions to make healthcare precise, personalized, preventive and at the same time economical.
Practitioners and researchers will present the latest trends and solutions in the field of digital health. In presentations on current research topics, numerous workshops and a poster session, we will delve into the multifaceted topic of digital health and develop solution strategies:
- What are the new approaches to processing health data?
- How will new technologies radically change service delivery?
- What are the implications of digital health for the relationship between patients, health professionals, service providers and health insurance companies?
The newly founded ZHAW Digital Health Lab is facing up to these challenges and, as part of the Life in numbers conference series, is organizing the 1st Digital Health Lab Day.
Date, place and target group
- Date: Thursday, 03 October 2019, from 09:00
- Location: ZHAW Campus Grüental Wädenswil
- Target group: healthcare professionals, start-ups, academics, students, doctoral students, stakeholders and investors
Organizer: ZHAW Digital Health Lab
The conference will be held in the auditorium on the Gruenental campus. More information about the location can be found at: