
"Management and Quality" the trade magazine for integrated management systems deals with modern management systems in practice, current trends in risk, safety and environmental management and business excellence.

"Management and Quality" is the official publication of the Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ).

Publishing House Manager
Stefan Zimmermann,, T +41 58 344 96 22

Contact address
Galledia Trade Media AG
Baslerstrasse 60
8048 Zurich

telephone: +41 58 344 96 96

Persons authorized to represent the company
Edwin Stager

Entry in the commercial register
Registered company name: Galledia Fachmedien AG
Company identification number (UID): CHE-106.831.075
Commercial register office: St. Gallen

Value added tax number
CHE-106,831,075 VAT

MQ Management und Qualität is a publication of Galledia Fachmedien AG. © Copyright 2021

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