Strategic partnership between Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) and International SOS

Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) and International SOSInternational are making common cause. Swiss companies can now benefit from a strategic partnership. S-GE supports Swiss exporters on behalf of the Swiss Confederation (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO). International SOS is the world's leading provider of healthcare, medical advice and travel security.

As new markets are opened up, more and more Swiss employees are on business trips. (Image: depositphotos)

The partnership enables S-GE and International SOS to create synergies in supporting Swiss companies, for example in providing knowledge about safety and health conditions in markets around the world and in making the best possible preparations for employee travel.

Prevention and information

"Companies bear responsibility for their employees when they travel abroad or work in the target market - we therefore advise them to thoroughly inform themselves about the prevailing conditions in the country and to regularly localise travellers or even expatriates. This way, SMEs can also control risks, their employees stay healthy and the business works," says Ghislain de Kerviler, Managing Director Switzerland at International SOS.

S-GE manages a network of 22 Swiss Business Hubs, while International SOS operates Assistance Centers worldwide. Both support companies in opening up new markets and help them to make important arrangements for their employees when they are deployed abroad.

Practical support at the Foreign Trade Forum 2018

Switzerland Global Enterprise's annual Foreign Trade Forum is held at the exhibition centre in Zurich and is the meeting place of the year for all Swiss exporters. Small and medium-sized companies in particular find inspiration, advice and action for their international business here: with exciting keynote speeches from renowned speakers as well as plenty of space for exchange and learning in a small circle.

During the generous networking breaks and the aperitif, there is room for exchange with around 600 participants, mostly SMEs, who are facing similar challenges or have already successfully mastered some of them.

International SOS offers the following breakout session: "Fit for international business".

As new markets are opened up, more and more Swiss employees are on business trips. This presents companies with the challenge of informing their employees about health and safety risks, training them and supporting them during the trip. What are the risks? What is possible, what is essential? International SOS shows participants how they can best equip themselves for foreign assignments.

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