5 years of the Swiss Complaints Centre - intimidation and insights

Since it was founded in 2012, the Zurich-based Reklamationszentrale Schweiz has advised countless people on all aspects of complaints. Almost half a million different users have visited the website since then and the complaints templates provided free of charge have been downloaded more than 130,000 times. A few key data on the Complaints Culture Switzerland.

If you feel unjustly treated again... Reklamationszentrale.ch for complaints, legal disputes and complaints by lawyer / // More text about ots and www.presseportal.ch/de/nr/100055461 (PPR/obs/Reklamationszentrale Schweiz)

Reklamationszentrale Schweiz, based in Zurich - the initial "Motz-Zentrale", has evolved into a LegalTech platform. It offers consumers legal services at affordable prices.

"The Motz Headquarters" in focus

The independent complaints office provides a target for companies with a dubious reputation. Topmoney (Top AG Ltd.), the first-placed company in the 2017 Complaints Barometer, filed a criminal complaint for defamation against the Complaints Center Switzerland at the end of March 2018.

At the beginning, the services of the Swiss Complaints Centre consisted of telephone advice, the writing of letters of complaint and the publication of an annual complaints barometer on the Internet. In the meantime, there are other platforms such as reklamation.ch or beschwerdeleicht.ch, which have taken up the topic and adopted this offer.

However, the experience gained in the last 5 years has shown that forwarding a complaint or publishing cases is not sufficient for those affected. Success is only achieved by serious companies for whom satisfied customers or the improvement of their service or product are important. These companies already invest a lot of money in professional complaint management themselves.

The really difficult complaint cases are mostly caused by companies that shirk their duties and ignore complaints. Or by dubious companies that skilfully use legal loopholes and stall their ripped-off customers with delaying tactics. It is difficult to defend oneself against their business practices without legal support.

Legal support at affordable prices

Reklamationszentrale Schweiz has already been intimidated several times by such companies but has been able to successfully defend itself against attacks thanks to the legal representation by Dextra Rechtsschutz AG. This experience shows that the greatest success for affected consumers is only achieved with legal support or a letter from a law firm.

In order to be able to offer professional help with legal services at affordable prices to a wide audience, Reklamationszentrale Schweiz has entered into a partnership with WILD Rechtsanwalt AG. Since April 2017, the law firm with main offices in Sarnen (OW) and Basel and additional offices in Hergiswil (NW), Pfäffikon (SZ) and Zug has been responsible for providing professional legal advice to Reklamationszentrale Schweiz.

ACustomised services

Consumers can find more than 40 free sample letters and complaint templates on the website of the Swiss Complaints Centre, as well as other useful information for self-help, such as warning lists and addresses of ombudsmen, arbitration bodies and contacts of consumer protection organisations and complaints bodies.

The cooperation with WILD Attorney at Law AG enabled the Swiss Complaints Center to adapt and expand its services to the needs of consumers. In addition to the tried-and-tested letter of complaint, those affected receive initial clarification of the legal facts of a case with a lawyer check.

If all options have already been exhausted or if a higher amount of damages is involved, WILD Attorney at Law AG asserts claims by means of legal argumentation and presentation of the legal basis with a complaint. Passengers affected by flight delays or cancellations can file a complaint via the new platform Flug-Reklamation.ch (https://www.flug-reklamation.ch/) claim refunds from airlines in accordance with EU Regulation 261-04.

Scroll inand notification of Top AG Ltd.

At the beginning of 2017, two Zurich law firms were commissioned to put pressure on Reklamationszentrale Schweiz to delete blog posts and content about the business conduct of TopMoney (Top AG Ltd). At the end of March 2018, Top AG Ltd filed a criminal complaint for defamation against Reklamationszentrale Schweiz (http://ots.ch/zM7zMW). Despite the advertisement, the publication of the annual complaint barometer and research on TopMoney (Top AG Ltd.) and their business model (http://ots.ch/bbvUWW)

Rip-offs dominate the 2017 complaints barometer

Thanks to the internet, dubious companies are increasingly finding customers who are blinded by supposedly attractive offers. This trend is also clearly reflected in the Complaints Barometer 2017, with financial cleaners such as TopMoney or Letramministrazione SA dominating the rankings of the most frequently named sources of complaints. This confirms the Swiss Complaints Centre to continue on its chosen path together with its legal partners and to offer swift support to those affected or to save consumers from the same fate with clarification.

The details of the Complaints Barometer 2017 are published at: http://ots.ch/e2uX3B

Via the Complaints Centre Switzerland:

Explanatory video Complaint Center Switzerland: https://www.reklamationszentrale.ch/dienstleistung/so-funktioniert-s/



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