Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 2/1998, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
Topic of the month
Why is customer satisfaction so important?
Fredy Lötscher
Customer orientation in practice: a sobering balance sheet
Christian Homburg, Harald Werner
Self-evaluation in a Ticino vocational school according to the EFQM model
Giorgio Baranzini, Alberto Gandolfi
Strategy & Organization
How do I lead a company to success through customer satisfaction?
Urs-Peter Lehmann
How do SMEs consistently implement market-oriented change processes?
Josef Berger, Michael J. Waltert
Service quality through customer obsession
Adrian F. Menz
The most important people in the company are those who have direct contact with customers
Regula Heinzelmann
Targeted customer orientation
Hans H. Hinterhuber, Franz Bailom, Dieter Tschemernjak
SAQ Events
SAQ Annual Conference
SAQ courses and seminars
Congress Hotels
SAQ: Alliance Partner
SAQ Publications
Your partner for quality
Dossier: Pack it '98
The green side
Advertiser Directory