Issue 1-2/2003

Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 1-2/2003, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:

M■Q Flash

"Something's happening..."
MQ Interview with Bruno Birri and Mike Oberholzer / SAQ Regio Basel. How does quality management become attractive for managers and quality leaders?

M■Q Business Excellence

A dream team
Balanced Scorecard and Rating, two partners with more in common than you think.

Reasonable safe
Product safety in the USA can become a hurdle if exporters are unaware of legislation or standards.

Mastering the crisis
In a turnaround, courageous action is the order of the day. Only a clear strategy shows the way out of the crisis.

SAQ / Neosys

Association news


"EFQM - Facts and Myths."
The MQ series around the EFQM model. And MQ readers join in.

M■Q Workshop

Sustainability Balanced Scorecard
Sustainable management with the BSC - only at first glance a surprising closing of ranks. Companies can use it successfully.

Stepwise expansion
Consistent process management is worthwhile for every company. ABB Turbo Systems shows how to get started.

Management system - Community of Mels
Modular and decentralized or about the secret of how a political municipality brings fire department and retirement home under one roof.





Market Info



Public report

Category: Single issues

CHF 14.30