Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 3/2004, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
Picking up the management
MQ interview with Peter Rüesch, new managing director of SAQ.
Effective further training
Education controlling is more than cost controlling. By Barbara Brecht, freelance author, b-wise, Karlsruhe
Manager training
"First best" at MBA level. By Albert Stähli, Graduate School of Business Administration Zurich
The virtual way to training
E-learning: investing in people instead of travel. By Stefan L. Prestele, Macromedia Munich
Short cuts instead of coaching?
Further training of top managers. By Otto Siegfried Wilkening, competence-on-top, Hinterzarten
IT help for peak performance
LBBZ Arenenberg uses IQSoft. By Hans-Peter Kost, Beni Krieger, IQS AG, Zofingen
Knowledge based systems
The breeding ground of successful organizations. By Roland Erzer, SAQ-Qualicon AG Kirchberg
Elimination of error causes (2)
A strategy factor. By Stefan Menzi and Remo Ley, Synprovis GmbH, Basel
Save thanks to outsourcing
Exploiting rationalisation potential. By Peter Kuratli, Polymeca AG, Heerbrugg
Association news