Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 9/2004, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
Experience - anything but a discontinued model
MQ interview with Dr. theol. habil. Ferdinand Rohrhirsch.
Success in a double pack
Quality and Knowledge Management. By Christian Keller and Sven Kuhn, TU Darmstadt
ISO/TS 16949 wants more
Under the sign of globalisation. By Markus Tobler, SQS Berne
Simply evaluate, achieve more
Qualitative company valuation (Part 2). By Bruno Birri, Basel
A question of maturity
Who benefits from which ICT quality standard? By Arnold Q. Scheuing, Swisscom IT Services AG, Wolfgang Schwarz SQS Bern
Quality in e-learning
Development-based standardization (EBN). By Siglinde Kaiser and Hermann Behrens, DIN, Berlin
Key factor communication
Impact-oriented safety and risk communication. By Heinrich Kuhn, University of Applied Sciences Zurich/Winterthur
Association news
Book tips
Job advertisement