Issue 9/2003

Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 9/2003, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:

M■Q Flash

Defying the turbulence
The course is set in the head. By Harmut Volk, trade journalist Bad Harzburg

M■Q Business Excellence

Fight the "knowledge islands
Hypertext organization in development. By Mark Staiger, Stefan Voigt, Hans-Georg Schnauffer

FMEA knowledge database
Shortening product ramp-up. By Marcus Schorn

Business processes: Platform for knowledge
Knowledge back into the organization! By Hans Peter Popp

Business Process Navigation
Roche Vitamins Ltd. has business processes under control. By Ulrich Röhr

M■Q Forum

EFQM (7) - BSC and EFQM like shirt and trousers?
Readers comment.

M■Q Workshop

Proof of quality for service centers
COPC Performance Management System. By Ingrid Hess

"Disturbing Factor Norm"
Living with ISO 9001:2000. by Hans-Henning Herzog

Performance under control
Police with strategic leadership. By Jürg Gysin

M■Q Special

"Information Security"
New attacks from the Internet. By Harald von Fellenbach

Risk management and computer security. By Uwe Kissmann

Information Assurance Switzerland. By Ivo Pfister

SAQ / Neosys

Association news

Category: Single issues

CHF 14.30