Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 9/2003, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
Defying the turbulence
The course is set in the head. By Harmut Volk, trade journalist Bad Harzburg
Fight the "knowledge islands
Hypertext organization in development. By Mark Staiger, Stefan Voigt, Hans-Georg Schnauffer
FMEA knowledge database
Shortening product ramp-up. By Marcus Schorn
Business processes: Platform for knowledge
Knowledge back into the organization! By Hans Peter Popp
Business Process Navigation
Roche Vitamins Ltd. has business processes under control. By Ulrich Röhr
EFQM (7) - BSC and EFQM like shirt and trousers?
Readers comment.
Proof of quality for service centers
COPC Performance Management System. By Ingrid Hess
"Disturbing Factor Norm"
Living with ISO 9001:2000. by Hans-Henning Herzog
Performance under control
Police with strategic leadership. By Jürg Gysin
"Information Security"
New attacks from the Internet. By Harald von Fellenbach
Risk management and computer security. By Uwe Kissmann
Information Assurance Switzerland. By Ivo Pfister
Association news