Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 10/2003, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
Avanti Ignoranti!
When communication becomes a waterfall. By Hermann Sottong
Courts are not businesses
Quality management in courts. By Jürg Felix
Magic of large groups
Large Group Conferences: Tool for change. By Matthias zur Bonsen
Always a nose ahead
Helping to shape standards gives you a competitive edge. By Hans-Peter Homberger
Choose between models
Risk Management Standards. By Oscar Schönbächler
EFQM (8) - (Not) a winner of the lottery
Readers comment.
With "es bizzeli" pride
Hunziker+Co.: Sustainability Report. From a Swiss craft business
Steep pass made to measure
QM system in municipal administrations. By Roland Erzer
Association news
Book tips