From OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001
Occupational health and safety is in a state of flux. The existing OHSAS 18001 standard will be replaced by ISO 45001 during 2017. Here are the most important questions and answers at first hand
Ein A&GS system is designed to enable companies to manage their occupational health and safety risks and improve their performance in terms of injury and illness prevention. Implementing an occupational health and safety management system is tantamount to making a strategic decision, as the company in question can use the system in line with its sustainability initiatives. It also ensures that the working environment is safer and healthier for employees and relevant third parties.
Why is OHSAS 18001 now ISO 45001?
OHSAS 18001 is an internationally supported, private British standard from 2007. Since it would have had to be revised anyway, it was obvious to strive for integration into the recently adapted ISO standard structure. ISO already has safety-oriented standards for specific risks, but no comprehensive A&GS management system. The present draft of ISO 45001 closes this gap at an internationally harmonized level.
What are the main changes?
Thanks to the new basic structure, A&Gs is better integrated into the organization's business processes. In addition to understanding the organizational context and the requirements of interested parties, the handling of opportunities and risks to achieve the intended results in occupational safety and health is promoted. Internal and external communication, participation and consultation are given greater importance. Greater emphasis is placed on work organisation, social factors including workload, working time, leadership and corporate culture.
Why switch to ISO 45001?
ISO 45001 certification enables a company to translate its intention to prevent incidents into systematic and continuous processes. Supported by the use of appropriate methods and tools, the commitment to proactively improve occupational health and safety performance can be anchored across the organization.
For which companies is ISO 45001 suitable?
The standard is suitable for companies with low risks as well as for complex organizations with a high risk level. This is because, in addition to the proven management system approach, ISO 45001 provides the appropriate framework for the integration and implementation of an ASA system (involvement of occupational physicians and other occupational safety specialists) in accordance with EKAS 6508 of the Swiss Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety.
What are the advantages for the management?
ISO 45001 takes an opportunity and risk-based approach. This is to ensure that this system is effective and continuously improved to adapt to the changing context of the business. This approach is consistent with the way companies manage their other business risks. This facilitates the integration of the requirements in the standard into the company's overall management processes.
What is the roadmap for ISO 45001?
According to current information on the part of the International Organization for Standardization, publication is planned for December 2017. There is a 3-year transition period from the official publication date, after which OHSAS 18001 will be withdrawn and is no longer valid.
How does one proceed with the conversion from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001?
The SQS recommends the following 8 steps:
- Discussion of the new ISO 45001 standard
- Identify system gaps (GAP analysis by the company or optional GAP assessment by the SQS)
- Determine a suitable time for the changeover
- Determine implementation procedure (for example with project plan)
- Involvement of key stakeholders (management, employees, etc.)
- Updating the existing A&GS management system
- Verification of successful implementation through internal audits
- Preparation for recertification