With guidelines for environmentally friendly actions in the company
A good seven years ago, CHR had itself certified by SQS in accordance with ISO 14001. Recently, the company put its philosophy on environmentally compatible activities into a practical guide - simple, understandable and manageable: the KHR environmental management system on just 20 A5 pages. Plant manager Markus Clavadetscher highlights the key points of the system.
Markus Clavadetscher, as a hydroelectric power plant, the Hinterrhein power stations are "ecologically" certified. What does that mean exactly?
Yes, KHR has been SQS-certified according to ISO 14001 since 2007. Proof of this certificate is a prerequisite for being able to sell the electricity produced under the "naturemade basic" label or with the "100 % Hydropower - 100 % Renewable Energies" certificate. The value of hydropower as a renewable energy is thus particularly emphasised. We want our environmental management system " to be convincing and credible. This is very important to us, because we want nothing more than to produce environmentally friendly, valuable energy. This aspiration is anchored in black and white in the mission statement of our hydropower plant.
What did you have to do to obtain the ISO 14001 certificate?
Water, a natural element, is our raw material, our source of energy. However, the use of environmentally hazardous substances cannot be completely avoided in energy production. Compared to the past, when the guide vane bearings still had to be lubricated with a grease gun, considerable progress has been made in terms of materials. The grease gun has long since become obsolete. Nevertheless, the use of SF6 gas is unavoidable in electrical switchgear, for example. This is necessary for technical reasons. So we needed a concept for how to deal with these and other environmentally harmful substances and what to do if a hazardous event occurs. This laid the foundation for our comprehensive environmental management system. Our task was to systematize and document everything that was already CHR practice. By assigning these elements to processes, a coherent whole was subsequently created - KHR's environmental management system. This also includes the formulation of our attitude to environmental issues in the chapter "Environmental Policy". This is part of the published KHR mission statement. We attach great importance to the fact that the basic attitude of this document is also known outside our company.
What risks do you take into account?
We work both with water and close to water. Naturally, there are minor and major hazards to consider. As part of our environmental concept, we have therefore carried out a comprehensive hazard analysis and, based on this, drawn up a matrix with all the relevant risks. Subsequently, all identified risks were evaluated and measures defined as to what to do in the event of their occurrence.
I will mention three risk factors from everyday practice: There is a latent risk of oil contamination with machine parts that carry water. Our teams are sensitized to this and can react accordingly. KHR has the necessary facilities to be able to detect such cases, for example with detectors in the seepage drains.
Secondly: Another risk is the handling of anti-corrosion paints - during delivery, when moving them internally to the place of use or when applying the paints. In such risk cases, too, we know exactly what to do.
A third point is residual flow remediation. According to Swiss water protection legislation, a residual flow must be maintained in the section of the river below water intakes and dams. In the canton of Graubünden, too, this aspect has repeatedly been the subject of discussion. CHR Director Guido Conrad proactively identified the issue, convened a round table with all the environmental organisations and all the agencies and worked out a solution, which has now been decreed by the canton in good time. The solution has now been implemented.
KHR is now in the middle of a major, planned plant overhaul. What is this all about?
The technical components of the CHR have different lifetimes. Electronics and control equipment last about 15 years, electromechanical equipment (transformers, generators, turbines, etc.) about 40 years, and the structural installations are designed for the concession period of 80 years. After about 50 years, the actual project start for the complete renewal of the facilities took place in 2009. On this occasion, a pollutant screening was carried out in order to clean up the existing contaminated sites and to construct the new plant components in an environmentally compatible manner. This investment will be completed in 2017. After that, CHR will be able to return to normal operation. Optimising the use of power plants and maximising energy production are and will remain our core tasks.
What is the role of the employees in the implementation?
The decisive factor in day-to-day operations! All employees are involved at the appropriate level. We take a very practical approach. This was and is also the case with the current major overhaul. For each activity, we have called in specialists in environmental issues. Together we identified which problematic substances are involved where and how to deal with them.
The environmental thinking of us CHR employees is firmly anchored and extends into our private lives. We are part of KHR, around the clock, so to speak. This is also noticeable when there is a malfunction somewhere that needs to be repaired. Our people are there promptly when they are needed.
What other experiences have you had with auditing?
Particularly in this demanding phase with the major project running in parallel, it is valuable to have a contact in the auditor who understands how our business works and what risks we are confronted with. We benefit from the fact that the auditor is a technical expert - the SQS auditor is a mechanical engineer - and at the same time a practitioner. He carries out the audit with us in the form of a targeted inspection of the facilities. We discuss all the neuralgic interfaces and identify the need for action where necessary. Our small brochure "KHR's environmental management system" was created in this way. It is a showcase example of this successful form of cooperation. We realised the practical guide at the suggestion of the SQS auditor.