Business Intelligence 4.0 on tour

Professional business intelligence tools have made it possible to consolidate and visualize the volumes of data that arise in companies. But when it comes to interpreting the data, users are left to their own devices - and are often overwhelmed.

With BI 4.0 and new features of its proven all-in-one platform for efficient decision making, BOARD is introducing disruptive approaches such as data storytelling, real-time collaboration and cognitive search to remedy the situation - live in seven cities.

Business intelligence tools are usually used to visualize data in the form of reports or dashboards and make it available for further analysis. Crucial insights can often only be gained after interpretation by the user. To address these challenges, BOARD recommends getting ready for the age of BI 4.0 and adopting disruptive approaches such as data storytelling: It combines the three key elements of data, visualization and interpretation into a powerful story that exponentially increases the value of insights and provides the foundation for effective and sustainable decisions.

Voice input

To find data and correlations quickly, the user is also supported by BOARD's cognitive search function - an intelligent search through the entire content of the BOARD database, which can also be conveniently controlled by voice input.

More information about the Board Roadshow, which will also stop in Zurich on May 2, 2017, can be found at this Link


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