Key technology digitalization
Digitalization: Current developments are having a drastic impact on companies and especially on IT. In the future, it will be essential to be able to deal intelligently with data. Four theses by Christoph Höinghaus, CEO of Trivadis, on the developments in IT from 2017.
In the future, it will be essential to be able to deal intelligently with data. Four theses on digitalization by Christoph Höinghaus, CEO of Trivadis, on the developments in IT from 2017:
Thesis 1: A dynamic economic and political environment requires agile and flexible companies
The elections in the USA and the referenda in Italy and England are examples of current events that are influencing what the NZZ calls the already "fragile environment" of the current economic development. If the forecasters at UBS are to be believed, we are in for "a year of polarization". However the near future develops: For companies, it will mean operating in an increasingly dynamic environment. To survive in this environment, companies will have to become more agile and flexible.
Thesis 2: IT becomes the third pillar of the agile and flexible enterprises
In the future, those companies that can operate very close to the market will prevail. In other words, those that are able to adapt their offering very quickly to changing customer needs - and to do so with increased process and product quality and constant optimization of service delivery. This requires three things: highly qualified personnel, complete transparency through figures and powerful IT. Digitalization is changing or strengthening the position of IT in the company: It is turning from a working tool into a guarantee of success.
Thesis 3: With the existing IT, companies are not prepared for digitization
However, existing systems are not designed to process the volumes of data that digitization brings. They merely support the way a company works today and represent an internal view. In order to process this information so that it can be used in a meaningful way, today's internal IT needs to be greatly changed and expanded. The point is to evolve IT designed for the internal view towards networked digital intelligence to enable the company to access the digitized global world. To this end, systems must be replaced, expanded or rebuilt.
Thesis 4: Cloud, Big Data and IoT are the key technologies in the intelligent handling of data
Cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things are the most important means of processing the flood of data in the digitalized world. The IT of tomorrow must know how to combine existing IT with these technologies. Two types of measures must be considered here: the modernization of existing applications as a prerequisite for a combination with modern technologies and - logically - the combination of existing with modern technologies.
The basis of such a combination is a new, changed way of dealing with data: away from the pure management of data as a reflection of operational activity to the provision of company-relevant data as a comprehensive basis for information and decision-making. In a nutshell: The key capability of the dynamic and flexible company of the future is the ability to handle data intelligently.